Rock ‘n’ Roll Dancing Criteria & Conditions of Entry

McDonalds Rock 'n' Roll Competition dancers at the Parkes Elvis Festival

Please note that the following conditions must be adhered to by all Rock’n’Roll Dancing participants. Failure to do so may result in removal from the competition.

Rules of the competition

The Date of competition: Saturday, 11 January 2025, beginning at 3.00pm at Cooke Park Main Stage.

Only registered dancers for the competition may enter the stage area.

All dances are improvisation. No dancers will be given the music prior to the competition.

Entry fees are as follows:

  • General categories – $10.00 per category
  • Showcase – $20.00 per group

No refund will be made for any entry fee paid, unless the category is cancelled.

The age of competitors will be determined by the age of the oldest competitor in the pair/group. The Rock’n’Roll Portfolio Holder reserves the right to call upon any entrant at any time to provide, at his or her expense, proof of age. If the entrant has been found to have entered the incorrect section, the Competition Official may invoke disqualification.

Early registration is encouraged. Limited spaces are available. Entry forms can be found here or by contacting the Parkes Elvis Festival Team at

The closing date for all categories is 6pm on Friday, 10 January 2025. Entries for General Categories will be accepted on the day of competition if there are available spaces. Entries after 6pm on Friday, 10 January 2025 can be submitted directly to the Rock’n’Roll Portfolio Holder, Kristen Temessl, by:

  • Visiting the Registration Desk in Cooke Park
  • Phoning Kristen on 0427 562 471

Entries for the Showcase must be submitted prior to 6pm on Friday, 10 January 2025. No Showcase entries will be accepted on the day of competition.

Registered participants are advised that during the course of this event they may be photographed or filmed by official Parkes Elvis Festival photographers or by officially accredited media. It is a condition of entry to the competition that participants consent to the use of any photos or film containing their image, by media outlets, and/or by the Parkes Elvis Festival and/or by related parties in pursuit of Parkes Elvis Festival objectives.

Entry categories

  • Under 10’s
    • Oldest dancer must not turn 11 before Monday, 1 January 2025
    • Duo competition
    • Set songs (1 fast and 1 slow song will be played)
  • Under 14’s
    • Oldest dancer must not turn 15 before Monday, 1 January 2025
    • Duo competition
    • Set songs (1 fast and 1 slow song will be played)
  • Under 20’s
    • Oldest dancer must not turn 21 before Monday, 1 January 2025
    • Duo competition
    • Set songs (1 fast and 1 slow song will be played)
  • 21-39 Years
    • Dancers must be between 20 years old and not turn 40 before Monday, 1 January 2025
    • Duo competition
    • Set songs (1 fast and 1 slow song will be played)
  • Masters (40+)
    • Dancers must be over the age of 40 as at Monday, 1 January 2025
    • Duo competition
    • Set songs (1 fast and 1 slow song will be played)
  • Open Showcase
    • Dancers of all ages
    • Groups of 4-20 dancers
    • Dancers can enter the Showcase up to 3 times, however dance groups need to have at least 50% change in dancers
    • Own choice song (music must be supplied on CD or USB to the Rock’n’Roll Dancing Portfolio Holder on arrival at competition)
    • 4-minute time limit (must be one continuous music track)
    • Music must be from the Elvis genre (i.e. 60’s Rock’n’roll)

Judging criteria

Judges will be placed at each corner of the dance floor. Entrants will be judged on the following four points:

  1. Enthusiasm and attitude
  2. Eye contact with their partner and enjoyment
  3. Rock’n’roll skills, steps and timing to the music
  4. Costuming appropriate to the theme and matching costumes

Entrants scores will be collated by the Rock’n’Roll Dancing Portfolio Holder and a composite score will be recorded. Points will not be released to dancers. Points and scores can not be requested at any time.


Rock’n’Roll costumes should complement their partner’s costume.

There will be no penalty for wardrobe malfunctions whilst on stage (i.e. buttons popping, belts untying, shoes falling off etc.)

General criteria

    1. The judges must not be approached. All inquiries are to be directed to the Rock’n’Roll Portfolio Holder.
    2. All Rock’n’Roll styles of dance are permitted, however more points will be given to the entrants who dance according to the given theme. You can use your creativity and mix different steps into one routine.
    3. If there are insufficient entrants in a category, the Rock’n’Roll Dancing Portfolio Holder may combine sections at their discretion.
    4. Lift and dips are acceptable, however no dancers (either leaders or followers) are to be lifted so that a competitor’s head is perpendicular to the ground. Failure to comply may result in immediate disqualification. This is at the Rock’n’Roll DancingPortfolio Holder’s discretion.
    5. No candles, death dives or dangerous throws are permitted. Failure to comply may result in immediate disqualification. This is at the Rock’n’Roll Dancing Portfolio Holder’s discretion.
    6. The Rock’n’Roll Dancing Portfolio Holder (or their appointed delegate) has the right to remove any dancers from the stage who are acting inappropriately or irresponsibly.
    7. Prompting (from off the stage) is not permitted at any time.
    8. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the competition on Saturday, 11 January 2025.
    9. The judges decision is final. No further correspondence will be entered into.
    10. Competition Feedback is appreciated. This can be submitted by emailing

Further information

Kristen Barrass, Rock’n’Roll Dancing Portfolio Holder
P: 0427 562 471

Or alternatively, contact the Festival team on (02) 6862 6000 or via